We chose to come up with a model in favor of the communities. Share Discount NFT is with application by companies for communities
That means the companies that want to join the Sher Discount community will have to come up with a discount for the community and the percentage of the discount will be immortalized by creating a customized NFT Sher Discount with the option to create NFT Sher Discount for the company community as well.
NFT share discount will be created by geographical areas with the idea of making DLT accessible, “BUY HERE” informative and implemented in all corners of the world.
we will create 10,000 NFTs of which 137 will be countries and 9803 will represent areas and cities. In all NFTs will appear the main engines of Radix that implement DLT.
1) Air drops will be launched with all kinds of tokens and NFTs, owners of our NFT collections. at each stage of 1000 sold.
2) 20% revenue from Implementing DLT will be distributed to owners of our NFT collections in two stages “CLICK HERE” for more detailed functionality
3) After selling the first 1000 nfts owners of our NFT collections will benefit from the discount of the companies that will join the community.
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